5 Tips When You’re Recovering From a C-Section – Tayababy

5 Tips When You’re Recovering From a C-Section

Whether your C-section was planned or not, it can have a significant impact on your mental and physical health in the weeks following. 

For new mothers who had a traumatic birthing experience, whether it was due to extreme emotions, unexpected events, or unresolved past experiences, it's essential to take the time to process and heal. While not all cesarean births are traumatic, there are a few things you can do to best support your physical and mental health afterward.

1. Get plenty of rest. Just like recovering from any major surgery, your body needs time to heal after a C-section. You can expect to stay at the hospital for 3-4 days after your delivery or longer if there are complications. It's easier said than done, but try your best to be patient with your body and rest when your baby rests.

2. Move carefully, avoid stairs or vigorous exercise. Walking right after surgery is encouraged but hold off on rigorous exercise until your doctor says it's okay. Until then, don't lift, bend, drive, or climb the stairs. A good rule of thumb is to refrain from picking up anything heavier than your baby.

When avoiding stairs isn't possible, take them slowly and limit your trips. If there are multiple levels to your home, it may also be helpful to set up a baby care station on each level of your house. Having everyday supplies for yourself and your baby like wipes, nursing pads, medication, spare clothes, diapers, clothing, burp cloths, and a bassinet on every level will limit the number of times you have to go up and down the stairs.

3. Stay hydrated. Your body is in recovery mode, so it can use all of the healthy building blocks it can get. Drink lots of fluids to help your body recover and replenish the fluids lost during delivery. While water may be an obvious solution, anything from juice, tea, soup, and fruit count towards your fluid intake. In addition to helping your body heal, fluids also help relieve constipation (a common problem).

4. Accept help. Whether it's hiring a postpartum doula or taking a family member up on their offer to stay the night, accept the help when you can get it. Check-in with yourself and be realistic about your needs throughout your recovery. Speak up when you could use an extra hand. Not only will your body and mind thank you, but so will your baby.

5. Take care of your emotional health after a C-section. It's expected that your emotions will feel all over the place for the first few days as a new parent. You may have many emotions about birth, or maybe you just haven't had the time to process everything that just happened.


Remember that it's okay if things didn't go as planned, if you have questions, or if you're feeling emotionally drained. Sometimes getting some reassurance can be helpful. Ask your doctor, partner, or nurses any questions you have about your C-section. Your feelings are just as important as your physical healing. It's neither right nor wrong to feel mentally drained about your C-section, but you don't have to endure it on your own.


There are a few things you can do to help:


  • Having plenty of skin-to-skin contact with your baby - research shows this helps women feel happier about the birth if a C-section was unexpected.
  • Connect with other moms- ask your midwife or doctor about support groups in your area. Recovery can sometimes feel isolating, so it may be helpful to get support from others who share your experience.
  • If you feel that you may be experiencing postpartum depression, you can find support from these organizations:

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